welcome to margs.

Hey Bestie! I'm Ash, the creative mind behind margs.marketing and I am so excited our paths have collided. Let me take this moment to take you on a short journey to explain how we've both landed here together today. 

Marketing wasn't my first choice.

In fact, I stumbled into it by chance. After deferring my Chiropractic Science degree for four years, exploring various jobs, from sandwich making to gym sales, I found my groove in marketing 12 years ago when a job opportunity was offered to me by a friend who happened to work there at the time. It was like discovering a hidden talent I never knew I had. Before I knew it, I had a team of five under my wing, and I've been hooked ever since. 

I’ve had the privilege of working for several leading global brands, but now, I'm switching sides to empower those in startup, small business growth, personal brands and independent artists to share my knowledge and help you unlock your marketing potential.

My focus? Giving a peek behind the curtain at things marketers take for granted but you likely never knew existed.

So what do I actually do?

As a marketing strategist, I specialise in the first steps strategy space, ensuring you don’t have any gaps in your foundational knowledge and strategy. It’s super important that your product aligns seamlessly with your marketing efforts to maximize your outcomes, especially true for early-stage startups with limited budgets. I focus on educating and empowering you to understand your marketing elements so you can get the best out of your marketing + your team in the future because you'll have been there, done that 😉

But it's not all about business for me. Outside of work, you'll often find me behind the turntables, attempting to master the art of DJ'n. And if I'm not spinning tracks, I'm likely out of the city enjoying the fruits of a year-long labor – our very own tiny house, built from scratch with my husband.

So, why margs.marketing? 

Well, besides my love for margaritas (who can resist that salty-sweet goodness?), it's about demystifying marketing and empowering everyday bosses like you to thrive in marketing yourself and your business. 

margs.collection one - your FREE resource

I've handpicked a selection of resources I believe to be most valuable to empower you on your marketing journey. Each inclusion in this collection represents a powerful asset from my own toolkit.

Whether you are a budding entrepreneur or total professional, there is something for everyone in this compilation which is designed to inspire, educate and equip you with more tools and solutions you might not even know you need to keep up with the ever-evolving landscape of marketing.

Dive in, explore, and discover what works best for you. We love a challenge so if you have a specific problem you would like some recommendations for please reach out and we’ll include our suggestions in the next margs. collection. 

